Areas of expertise include: farm building and refining, community and school gardens, agritourism, and four season farming.

Farm Building
Is it time to finally follow the dream of starting your farm? I’m here to keep you grounded in reality while giving those dreams the support to succeed.
Getting started
Scaled growth planning
To till or not to till
Soil health
Fertility management
Crop selection and planning
Crop rotation
Cover Cropping
Weed Control
Organic certification….or not
Season extension
Propagation systems
Staffing Needs
Budget realities

Farm Refining
Paving the path to profitability by continuously improving your systems while in the trenches of farming.
Systems analysis (planning, cropping, staffing, tools, wash/pack)
Fertility and disease management

Is agritourism a good fit for your farm? I can help you do the deep dive of exploring or refining agritourism on your farm.
Onsite Food Hub

Four Season Farming
I have worked in high-elevation four-season growing environments my entire career. There are many ways to incorporate season extension into your operation – no matter your budget. I can help you determine which strategies are best for your farm, now and in the future.
High Tunnels
Caterpillar Tunnels
Propagation Houses

Community/School Garden
Are you interested in starting a community garden? I can help you on your journey! Or if starting a school garden or greenhouse program is your desire, that is one of my passions. What better way to help shape a positive future than to inspire our youth.
Greenhouse selection/construction
Educational programming
Funding options
Staffing needs

Agricultural Network
If I do not have the skills to help you in an area of your farm or operation, I have many talented colleagues in the field of agriculture and business. This journey towards a better world takes a village…I do not shy away from the village! We can decide when and if additional skill sets are needed to help you achieve your goals.
Business planning
Grant writing
Landscape Architecture Permaculture
Fruit production
Marketing and social media