I have known Daisy for 17 plus years in which she has been an amazing growing and cooking inspiration with her passion for farming. I was definitely sad when she retired from Copper Moose Farm yet around that time we had bought a large property in Michigan and knew we would farm it one day. When that one day came I felt fortunate to have Daisy as a consultant helping steer and guide our farm development. She brings a candid and informative perspective to soil health, sustainability through farming, and specific ideas we can implement to support our farming financially as we mature. For this, we are grateful to have Daisy as a partner.
Pete Lacobelli
Heritage Broadcasting
As a young farmer taking on the role of Farm Director for the first time, Dig In Consulting has been a life saver! Daisy helps me with any conundrum I may have, from what type of irrigation plan to implement for a certain area of the farm, to helping me crop plan for the next season. She is always a phone call away for any question I may want to run by her, or for bigger topics we set up meetings where we flush out any possible detail to make sure we get it right the first time. When I bring anything to Daisy’s attention, she puts the full force of her resources behind it. If she doesn’t know the answer to something she has a wealth of contacts that help to solve the problem at hand.
While, over the years I have built up a modest rolodex of mentors, contacts, and preferred vendors to use for farm supplies, every one of the sources Daisy recommends is immediately added to that ongoing list because of how high quality they are. When we chat daisy makes sure to fully understand the scope of the topic at hand so that she can guide me the best she can. She has been a huge reason why I have bloomed into the confident farmer I am. She isn’t just there to help you start your farm, but she cares about farmers, and knows how much of a toll farming can take on a person. So, sometimes her mentoring comes in the form of encouragement to keep going even though the mental and physical fatigue of the season is setting in.
Andrea Bushre
Farm Director, Nan Bob Farm